Friday, April 17, 2009

Spring Cleaning- Entry Area~ Part 2

So how was your week, productive? Mine was TOO BUSY! =)
I got somethings done. I washed winter coats! That was a step! And I straightened up out Entry area. Beyond that I am really just waiting for my wonderful hubby to finish it. Which bless his heart, probably won't happen this year. He is going to have to go in for knee surgery in about 3 weeks...
So, I did not get a pic because everything is pretty much the same, minus some winter coats and a little of the mess.
When I redo the room, I will be putting up bead board on the walls. I will have plenty of space for coats, basically like there is now. And it will look, well NOT like it does now! It will look finished! Ah, someday...
So, how did YOU do this week? Let's see it! Remember: next week is the Living Room/Family Room! Big work coming!