So, when I go grocery shopping and I get enough food to feed my small army, I get home and put everything away, and am left with a gazillion plastic bags. Anyone hear what I'm sayin'?
And no, I never just throw them out (unless there is a big tear in it or something). I always use then for a liner in our bathroom trash, or to throw those really stinky baby bombs in... But, the pile usually grows and grows. I actually HATE those bags. I hate that they accumulate so quickly. I hate that the people at the grocery only pack one or two things in each bag. I hate that there just aren't many uses for all of those CRAZY BAGS!
Anybody else with me?
I love having my own reusable bags to take with me to the store. The problem with the 2 that I have, is that they are so big to carry! So I have to tuck them under my arm and hope they don't fall out while I throw my baby up on my hip, and grab my purse and coupons. Oh yeah, then lock the doors of my truck. Then balance all of these very important items in wind/ rain/ sleet/ snow... praying that I won't drop anything...
There is good news in all of this! I have found a WONDERFUL solution! They are called ENVIROSAX! This company has made all other reusable bag companies run home crying to their mamas... (hehehe) Just look at some of their GORGEOUS reusable grocery bags:

Oh, and there is more, MUCH MORE. And they are all as gorgeous as the ones I showed you. It gets even BETTER. They also sell packs of 5 of these beauties, like this:

You wanna know how big this is in actuality? Well, one folded reusable grocery bag folds up, nicely and EASILY into about the size of the palm of your hand (long ways). The bag then expands to a very nice size, probably enough to haul 4-5 big boxes of cereal, with extra room for some small stuff. It could haul lots of smaller boxes and canned items.
I also, keep this folded up in my purse for those "just in case" times. Like at church this Sunday. I took my accordion file folder and Bible with me, along with my purse. Which is no problem... then I get to church and was handed a CD right away. Along with a small stack of papers. I have a wonderful friend who also gets a newspaper for me. And the boys all hand me their wad of projects after class. Now NORMALLY, I have full hands. But I remembered I had the BEAUTIFUL bag in my purse, and so I whipped that puppy out! I filled it with all of my newly found "treasures", and it EASILY accommodated everything. WITH ROOM TO SPARE. I love it.
Have I told you how much I love it? =)
Well, I think you get the point here. Now here is the GREAT NEWS...
YOU could win an Envirosax POUCH, in the Mikado pattern (the pouch pictured above COULD BE YOURS!) !!! Katy, and the wonderful people at Envirosax are giving one of these pouches to one very blessed person!!!
OK, now contain yourself. The next bit of info is also VERY IMPORTANT. If you live anywhere on this Earth, you can enter this giveaway! YES! ANYWHERE! YAY!!!
SO, here my girlfriends, is how you have a chance to enter (please leave a separate comment for each one):
- GO to the Envirosax site HERE, and tell me which type of bag or series of bag that you would like to have.
- Follow this blog! And then tell me that you follow!
- Grab our Button, and then leave a link to you site!
- Subscribe to our feeds, or tell me if you already are!
- Blog about this giveaway on your site, and then leave me a link so I can check it out!
- Tell me what the one change you would make in your life to be a little more "green"...
That's it! Now good luck! This giveaway will end on September 2nd! So enter today!!!
Whoa! Nice! My re-usable were bought from a certain grocery store and anytime I use them elsewhere I get snide comments, "hey, that's our competition!" so I'm more than willing to get a new batch! So hard to choose though... they're so beautiful! Maybe monochromatic... or animal planet... or botanica or mikado. Ahhh! Can't decide! Oh well, I'll decide if I actually win. Getting ahead of myself here. ;)
I follow your blog!
Oh, to be more green I'd really like to start using less water... I try, I do, but when I get an opportunity to take a long shower I admit I take it. :(
I blogged about your giveaway!
I'd love to have the monochromatic set. Those bags are so cute!
lauriemac982 at aol dot com
I follow your blog.
lauriemac982 at aol dot com
I have already made tons of changes to be more green, but this fall I plan on replacing the windows in my home to help save energy.
lauriemac982 at aol dot com
My fav is the Monochromatic Pouch. Very cute!
I follow.
I just started using tupperware for everything instead of ziplocks. Saves lots of money too!
I really love the organic series.
I subscribe.
I have your button.
I need to stop using water bottles and get an eco friendly canister. I would save money too.
I love the graphic series, in particular the animal planet pouch and specifically #4 with the bird on it!
I subscribe to your RSS feed!
If I took shorter showers and didn't use so much water when rinsing dishes, I could be a LOT more green!
i follow you with my google reader!
i love them all! they are super cool. I like the Flora Pouch ones.
I must say that I LOVE the Botanica pouch! Such fun colors! Great giveaway-thank you:)
akingfi at hotmail dot com
I follow!
akingfi at hotmail dot com
We go thru a LOT of paper towels at our house. I know I should start using washable towels instead. That would save me money and waste :)
akingfi at hotmail dot com
I love the Retro Graphic set! I have one Envirosax, which I use all the time. I would love to have a whole set!!
I'm a feed subscriber!
To be more green, I make my own detergent and household cleaners. And we use washcloths instead of paper towels.
I like the planet green series. Hope I win!
I subscribe to your blog in google reader
Ooooh, I like the Planet green series, but it was a tough decidion, hehe! They're all so cute :-)
I am a follower of you blog through google friend connect!
I love the animal planet bag #4 with the bird on it!!
I put your button up on my blog!
I am subscribed to your email feeds!
I fallow!!! ktk
If I could make one more change to make my life more green...I would buy the hybrid version of my car.
We do other "green" stuff, like recycling, biking instead of driving, reusable bags, etc...
Thank you for all of the entries!
I would recycle all my plastic bags and never use another one again if I won these reusable grocery bags!! ktk
Hey, I live on the planet! I'm excited. I like the graghic series..Planet Green™. Though the giveaway item is my favortie.
dorcontest at gmail dot com
I follow.
dorcontest at gmail dot com
I subscribe by email.
dorcontest at gmail dot com
I like Botanica Bag #5
elenaamble at yahoo dot com
I subscribe via e-mail.
elenaamble at yahoo dot com
One thing I will do to make my life a little greener is to recycle more stuff. I recycle now but I will do more.
dorcontest at gmail dot com
I follow your blog.
elenaamble at yahoo dot com
I would like to switch to biodegradable garbage bags. I still need a sturdy bag to get my trash to the dumpster, but I hate to think that the bag will keep on polluting the Earth!
I love Monochromatic Bag 1!
LOVE: Retro Graphic Pouch
I'd like to be more green by using less water
I like the Animal Planet Bag 2!
I am a follower via email and have been for 6 months.
I love the Planet Green Series and the Mikado Series!
I am a follower
I would like to recycle more and produce less waste!
Love a bunch in the graphic series
thanks for the giveaway
I have your button
I subscribe
I am blogging tonight!
I love the Retro Series!
spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com
I do some recycling, but know that I can and should do more of it to be greener.
spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com
I am a follower!
I love retro graphic bag #5! all the designs are pretty sweet =D
qwaszx024 at gmail dot com
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qwaszx024 at gmail dot com
I subscribe
qwaszx024 at gmail dot com
Right now, I'm working on "converting" to veganism, a step to greening out my life. It's going to be a huge leap for me, but there's huge benefits to be had!
qwaszx024 at gmail dot com
I love Botonica Bag 3, these look awesome!
I'm suscribed to your site via rss feed.
One thing I want to change, though small, is to switch from using paper towels consistently and use wrags and cloth instead.
I love their retro bags!
I subscribe!
I would use stainless steel water bottles
I love the Candy series!!! I don't have any reusables, this would be cool!
I would love the Retro Graphic bags!
I like the 5 in 1 series!
I'm a follower!
dancealert (at) aol (dot) com
I like the Candy Series.
Retro Kitchen series, Bag 4 is my pick.
email subscriber
I could start carrying reusable bags like these instead of just using regular plastic bags and recycling them like I currently do.
I love, love, love the Planet Green series. Gorgeous bags!
I subscribe!
I'm changing over our cleaning supplies to greener options and not using paper towels nearly as often. I'm also making cloth totes for family for Christmas. :)
I love my reusable bags! I love the organic line from Envirosax, especially the Linen line. Awesome giveaway!
I subscribe to your blog.
I follow your blog as well.
I would like to cut down on my shower time and use less water. It's a hard thing for me to do, but I'm working on it! :)
I love the Flora 2 Bag :0
email subscriber
We don't buy bottled water, recycle our newspapers and magazines.
I like the retro series.
I am a follower.
I am a subscriber.
We are trying to recycle more often, so I keep a bag handy for taking out to the recycle bin.
I like the Amazonia pouch, such pretty designs!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
a couple of small changes we have made are having our own garden and also trying our hand at composting a bit.
micaela6955 at msn dot com
I love them ALL! The animals series is SO cute but if I had to choose only one I would go with the Mikado series!
I follow! Found you via MBC and so glad that I did! WHOO-HOO!
One change that we are making to be a little more green (started THIS morning as a matter of fact) is to get back into recycling! So simple yet with all the moving we've been doing we've just been throwing stuff away!
I love these bags! I think my favorite is the Mikado Pouch. I blogged about your giveaway at I also grabbed your button and added it to my blog. I am following you and I subscribed to your feeds and am following you on Twitter. I love your blog, great job! I have been making many changes in my life to go green. I have encouraged my family to recycle. I bring my own bags to the grocery store and I buy more green products. I look forward to reading more of your blog. Kimberly
Follower! tcarolinep
Have your button!
Feeds subscriber!
Instead of buying bottled water, I'd start to bring my own and reuse!
love retro graphic bag #5 I am going threw a retro thing....
PS I love the music that plays on your blog it is very up lifting thank you
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