Thursday, May 7, 2009

Product Review & Giveaway- The Complete Laundry System

This Contest has ended. Thank you for your interest, and be sure to enter in our other drawing (Left)!

I recently received this package in the mail:

It is called the Mystic Wonders Complete Laundry System. What I knew about this product before I received it was, supposedly, you should be able to wash your laundry with NO DETERGENT, and dry the laundry with NO FABRIC SOFTENER... It sounded wonderful! But, I of course was a little sceptical of the claims.

So, I got all of the items pictured above in the mail, and was in luck because I had laundry 4 loads deep (as I USUALLY do!). So, I broke out the system and started putting it to work.

Basically, you throw the Laundry Ball in the washer with your laundry, and NO detergent. And run it like you normally do. After the first wash, I pulled the clothes out and I didn't see anything. Well, I mean no dirt, I didn't smell anything, good OR bad. So, I thought we would see how this load did with the Dryer Balls.

With the Dryer Balls there are 2 of these things, and you just throw both of them in your dryer with your clothes, with NO softener, and dry.

I took the clothes out of the dryer, and they looked like normal... Then I smelled them. They truly smelled like they had been hung out in the fresh air. They smelled CLEAN. I mean I LOVE the smell of all of the fancy dryer sheets. But this smelled CLEAN!

And I have continued to use the Laundry System for every load so far (about 10 loads), and I HAVE actually used laundry soap on a load of cleaning rags, that have chemicals and grime in them. And on a load of Undies (which I usually wash separate anyways), I used hot water. But no detergent...

I know, it seems a little scary! What if there are still germs? How do you know you are getting the stuff clean? How would a BALL CLEAN???

The Laundry Ball is about 2 3/4 inches in diameter and made of virgin PVC/Vinyl. There is a liquid inside the laundry ball, these are a "frequency enhanced mineral blend". The minerals move around inside the ball when it is agitating in the washer. And when the minerals hit each other, and energy field is created. It penetrates through the ball housing and takes away the surface tension of each water molecule, making the water thin, or fine. When the water is like that, it can actually travel through the fibers of your clothing much easier.

They also say that the Laundry Ball actually helps clean all old detergent fillers out of the garment. When this is left in the garments, the residue and fillers act as magnets to ATTRACT dirt and stains! So, after 3-4 washings with the Laundry Ball, all of the old residue will be gone, and with it goes much of the old dinginess and stains that were in the fabric. They say not ALL stains will come out, depending on the weave of the fabric. You are also reminded not to overload your washer (which I SO do! But am not going to do again!).

Like I said I have done about 10 load with the Wonder Laundry Ball, and I am impressed. I can't wait to see if I can start to see some our stains disappear!

The Dryer Ball will help keep clothes from clumping together, and not drying as fast. This should also help dry clothing faster then normal. I haven't noticed this myself, because my washer and dryer is in my basement and I have babies and lots of other things to do in a day, and don't keep track of the time. But the dryer ball seemed to work well. In the winter you may have to add a little softener on the wash, to keep the static down, but other then that I think these will be great!

The Wonder Laundry Ball is good for 3+ years or 2000 washes. And the Wonder Dryer Balls are good for a lifetime! Go HERE to order this amazing product. The Complete Laundry System is $49.95. So, 3 years of Laundry for $50!

I would normally probably spend at LEAST that in one year for JUST LAUNDRY. Plus the health benefits are worth it also. Go HERE and read all about the System and testimonials.

And NOW, I am super excited to be able to have a GIVEAWAY for one COMPLETE LAUNDRY SYSTEM!!!

Here is what you have to do:

  • Leave me a comment here on why YOU would like to win the Mystic Wonders Complete Laundry System.
  • Visit their website HERE and let me know what other product seems interesting or another fact about the product not listed above.
  • Blog about this Giveaway, and then come back here and leave a link for me to check it out.
  • Twitter about this giveaway, and then come back here and leave your link also.
  • Subscribe to the Feed here on my site, or let me know if you already do.
  • And last but not least, grab my button, and let me know that you have added it to your site!

6 Ways to WIN!!! (Leave 6 separate Comments, one for each entry above)

Open to US Residents only. Winners will be chosen by

So, start entering! Contest Ends- Friday, May 22nd at Midnight!

Thanks for Entering!


Megan said... 1

I would love to win to save the money on detergent!

Sounds very interesting!!!

Megan said... 2

I subscribe to your blog!

I will be back later to visit their site, twitter, and blog!!

thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Laura said... 3

I would love to win because I also want to save money on detergent.

Laura said... 4

I subscribe to your blog.

Laura said... 5

The Wonder Goat Milk Soap sounds interesting to me because I have excema and I've heard that Goat Milk Soap helps.

Mominin said... 6

I would love to not have to buy laundry detergent!

Mominin said... 7

I think the toilet bowl condtioner looks good.

Jena said... 8

I would LOVE to win this...I have 3 boys (4 1/2, 2 1/2, and 11 months), and I think it would be wonderful to clean their clothes!!

Jena said... 9

I think the wonder patches (or Lymphatic Patches) sound really cool. My mom and grandma would use something like that a lot!

Jena said... 10

I follow your blog! I use google reader!

Megan said... 11

Visited their site. Under FAQ it said you could use the ball in the bath for bathing... Not sure I'll try that but I thought it was interesting!!

Megan said... 12

tweeted about giveaway

Megan said... 13

blogged about it!

DawnS said... 14

I would love to win this and not have to worry about buying detergents etc. Plus imagine how easy and clean doing laundry would be - no spills, no mess!!!

twinsz said... 15

I subscribe to your blog. Love it!

twinsz said... 16

I would love to win this. I cannot imagine how easy this would make doing laundry. With 3 kids, 2 cats and a dog, not to mention the husband, I feel like I am constantly doing laundry.

ShellyLynn said... 17

This sounds really cool! I live in apartments with public laundry room and would love to save money on detergent. :)

ShellyLynn said... 18

And the Lave` Diamond looks fascinating! Would definitely be interested in trying that on my baby's clothes.

ShellyLynn said... 19

I'm subscribing!

Gina said... 20

I would love to win this to save money on detergent. I actually just made my first batch of homemade detergent to try to save money. Jury's still out on that!

Gina said... 21

I'm a subscriber!

MoonNStarMommy said... 22

I'm a subscriber!!

Why would I want to win it!?! Our families are the same size - with the same genders! Boys get dirty - boys get dirtier - and boys come in covered in mud. I spend a fortune in the laundry soap isle, my husband is a student now and not working so we have VERY limited income coming in, and I'm really interested to see this thing work now!!

Amy Mac said... 23

I think the Toilet Tank Conditioner looks like it could really work to help me with my cleaning!

Amy Mac said... 24

I would like to win this system because I have to use gentle laundry soap for my son's skin and I think this would work even better than non-scented detergent! I'd love to try it!

Amy Mac said... 25

I also subscribe via email!

photoquest said... 26

I would love to win this because i am always running out of detergent and seems like this would be a money saver!

photoquest said... 27

Another product i find interesting is the Willard Water, sounds pretty amazing!

photoquest said... 28

I am a new email subscriber
(and I think that's precious you want to be beautiful in God's eyes and i know you are, I hope i am too)

Kristin said... 29

Wow! What a great idea! No detergents and no softener? This is exactly why I want it! It seems that once a month I get a stain just from using softener (no clue what I'm doing wrong, either!).

Jennifer said... 30

I would love to try the laundry ball because I have a dog that is forever getting us muddy and I think this might help.

Brook said... 31

I am a subscriber!

Brook said... 32

This product looks awesome and I would love to try it!

Nicole said... 33

These just amaze me and I want to try it just to see how they work.

Standefer family said... 34

I would love to win this product.. I have been looking for greener ways to do laundry than the chemicals in detergents.

Standefer family said... 35

I would love to try the Wonder Balm. My husband has tried just about everything on his hands for dry dry skin.. maybe this would work!

kathy55439 said... 36

Would love to save money on laundry soap...... I will twitter as well.....

Wandering No More said... 37

What a great giveaway! I would love to try this to save $$ on detergent and for the "green" factor as well.


Colette S said... 38

I'm the laundromat around here and surely would love to try a new way of doing laundry. So indeed I would love to try this system.

Trixie said... 39

I would love to win this because it seems like we either 1) run out of detergent at the most inopportune times or 2) the clothes still don't seem clean (from either the store bought or homemade detergent) or 3) I am washing for 6 (or more depending on who's visiting with the kids that particular week)and 4) my 7 year old is a grime/dirt/UGH stuff magnet. I may purchase a system anyway if I can figure out how to add it to our budget. (This is my first visit to your site, but it's really neat! Thanks for the offer!)

Trixie said... 40

I have to agree with Laura's idea about the Goat's milk product. It seems interesting, and my 7 yo ds has sensitive skin (personally though,it could just be that he's such a dirt magnet *sigh*) :) I would like to try that product, but I'm still checking out their site honestly!

Anonymous said... 41

I would love to win this product to SAVE money on detergent! I don't do as much laundry as I use to do... but I sure do my fair share and need all the help I can get!!!
I love you!

Algebra Teacher said... 42

Winning this product would help cut down on the trash (or recycling) of all those detergent bottles that I would use in that time. That would be wonderful since our area doesn't recycle the plastics.

Algebra Teacher said... 43

I follow!

Algebra Teacher said... 44

I also want the toilet tank conditioner - chemical free toilet cleaner - YES!

Paula - Running Mom of 5 said... 45

I have 5 kids and the laundry never stops! This would save us so much money on detergent and dryer sheets.


Paula - Running Mom of 5 said... 46

I would like to have the Microfiber Cloths too.


Sarah said... 47

Seems crazy but I'd love to try it! I have a baby with sensitive skin, so eliminating detergent would be just awesome!

Barb Webb said... 48

I would love to save the money on detergent, but this seems like such a great and simple way to make the world a little more green.

Thanks for the chance to win :)

Anonymous said... 49

I HATE buying expensive, heavy boxes of laundry detergent and measuring it out for every load. I would love to win this so I wouldn't have to bother with those hassles! I wash a lot of clothes each week, so this would save me money and reduce the amount of chemicals I am putting into our septic tank, our water, etc.
yeloechikee at hotmail dot com

kindra said... 50

Wow! This looks amazing! I like that it 1) saves money, 2) doesn't have weird chemicals in it 3)is easy to use. Thanks!

Jay said... 51

I would love to win for the kids b/c they have such sensitive skin. The things I have heard about detergents and dangers is scary!

BEN AND LESLIE said... 52

My husband is a mechanic. Enough said. =)


Aura said... 53

I spend a fortune on cleaners and now that my babies also have bad allergies I'm trying to go more natural- these sound great!

Aura said... 54

I would love the wonder balm for my neice who has terrible excema

mel said... 55

I have kids with sensitive skin and have wanted to try these.

---love the music!---

The Gaertegang Homestead said... 56

I would love to win.....plain and simple...who doesn't love to save money??? I know I do!!

The Gaertegang Homestead said... 57

I thought the toilet aid sounded interesting!! I hate cleaning that caught my eye..

The Gaertegang Homestead said... 58

I follow

The Gaertegang Homestead said... 59

I follow!

The Gaertegang Homestead said... 60

blogged about it!!

Sharon said... 61

I have sensitive skin and would love to try this!

searcher7105 at gmail dot com

Sharon said... 62

I would like to try the Microfiber Cloths too.

searcher7105 at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said... 63

I would love to win because it would be a great moneysaver!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said... 64

the wonder patches sound interesting as well
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Elena said... 65

I would like to try the Mystic Wonders Laundry System because it keeps the drain water detergent-free, and, therefore, safe for the environment!

Elena said... 66

I am very intrigued with Prill Beads!

Elena said... 67

I tweeted:

kk said... 68

I would like to save money on detergent and dryer sheets.

bison61 said... 69

I like that the Wonder Laundry Ball is good for 3+ years and dryer balls for a lifetime-I'll save money!

tiramisu392 (at)

CMC said... 70

I'd love to win this because I'd save a lot on detergent and fabric softener!

spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com

CMC said... 71

I'd love to try the Wonder Balm!

spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com

jeanilyne said... 72

I would love to win the Mystic Wonders Complete Laundry System to help my quest in doing more for the environment by going natural and chemical free. Not to mention how healthy this is for our skin and body. I did a search on this product before entering and it has gotten excellent reviews from others who have tried it as well.

jeanilynne at gmail dot com

Martha said... 73

i would love to win so I wouldn't have to use chemicals on our clothes so they would last longer.

jeanilyne said... 74

email subscriber
jeanilynne at gmail dot com

jeanilyne said... 75

I would like to try the Lave Diamond

jeanilynne at gmail dot com

jeanilyne said... 76

blogged this giveaway here:

jeanilynne at gmail dot com

jeanilyne said... 77

tweeted here:

jeanilynne at gmail dot com

tawndam said... 78

THIS REALLY WORKS! I was skeptical until I tried it... How can a rubber ball (that's what it looks like...) actually get clothes clean... I don't know, but it does! I'm still working on the older stains, but I'm a believer and I want to get another set!

Dazzled by Diapers said... 79

I would love to try this on cloth diapers. I like greener solutions and I would love to win this great giveaway!

Dazzled by Diapers said... 80

I'd also like to try the Wonder Goat Milk Soap.

Dazzled by Diapers said... 81

I have your button on my sidebar

Dazzled by Diapers said... 82

I subscribe.

Anonymous said... 83

I would love to save money. I wonder if these are ok for my son's cloth diapers???

Anonymous said... 84

I subscribe to your feed via feedburner to my Windows live mail.

Anonymous said... 85

I tweeted...

Anonymous said... 86

I would love to try the goat's milk soap! I love all things natural!

Anonymous said... 87

I blogged

Pat said... 88

I would like to win the Mystic Wonders Complete Laundry System because I have sensitive skin and this sounds like a great answer to that problem because there are no chemicals.
pkildow at gmail dot com

Ryan, Corrie, Max, and Jack said... 89

Why would I love to win? Hmm... where do I start... well, first, we're moving to Korea in August, so I wouldn't have to worry about finding an affordable detergent that really works and no one reacts to! Second, I'm cloth diapering, and hoping to continue that with #2 due here in October, so this would help cut down on detergent costs for that. Lastly, it would just save money and be healthier all around!

Ryan, Corrie, Max, and Jack said... 90

The Jesn Massage ball looks intriguing!

Ryan, Corrie, Max, and Jack said... 91


jyonash said... 92

I love to try new things! What a great way to save money on detergent!

Holli said... 93

i would love to save money on detergent--i can't believe how many loads of laundy i have to do with only 4 of us in the house!!

Unknown said... 94

We just started making our own laundry soap to save money so I would love to try this too to continue to save.
Leslie @

Holli said... 95

i'd also like to try the toilet tank conditioner.

Unknown said... 96

The toilet tank conditioner looks cool!
Leslie @

Jem said... 97

Would like to try their product too.

alexis said... 98

I would love to win this because we have sensitive skin in our house and I would like to see if this works!

lexbyam at gmail dot com

Laura said... 99

I am always looking for ways to use less chemicals and ways to buy less "stuff". These sound very interesting.

Laura said... 100

I would order the LaveDiamond as well.

Bridget said... 101

It sounds great! I would love to try it out!


Anonymous said... 102

WoW - how interesting...I'd love to try it out!!


Anonymous said... 103

With five kids, we have LOTS of laundry.

Tami said... 104

I subscribe.

Tami said... 105

OK. I'll bite. This would be really cool. We do 1-2 loads of laundry a day at my house. But I also need that Feng Shu Frog.

sara b said... 106

I would like to try these. My kids have allergies and I am unable to use dryer sheets. I miss them, so maybe this would do :) Thanks!

sara b said... 107

I would love to try the lip wonder. Again, my kids have allergies and I have heard shea butter is the best for the lips :)