For one thing, check my posts on Money Saving. Also, this post on how I organize my coupons then go grocery shopping...
Well, there is a bulk food place about 25 minutes from my house. I have in the past only gone there about 2-3 times a year. But I can see myself going a little more now that I am making more from scratch... The prices aren't AWESOME, but they are good. I MOSTLY shop there because baking items don't have many coupons (if ANY), and the prices usually run about what they would in a store with a good sale.
SO here is my shopping trip to the Bulk Food store. We spent $28. on flour (25 lbs!), oats, flax, 2 boxes of cereal, bananas, yeast, 4 small loaf pans, cheese (some is gone from the pic, hubby and boys ripped into it!), and milk chocolate chips.

Next shopping trip, was Meijer. This is my usual shopping spot. Not because the EVERYDAY prices are great, because to be honest, they aren't. But the sales, combined with doubled coupons are what I am looking for. It helps me get things like cereals down below $1 per box, and free tomato sauce, free coffee mate creamer & something we NEVER buy, Lunchables (FREE!)! I spent $58. for everything pictured here. Plus I got back a few dollars in Catalinas (the print out coupons from the register) for our next trip.

Not bad, with organic veggies (except for the free Dole salad), Soy Milk, Milk, 12 boxes of cereal, olive oil & more...
So, this week, because of my "Bulk Store" trip, my weekly spending is $86.
Now, since my budget this month is $275., which comes our to about $68. per week, I will now have to watch my next weeks purchases, to keep on track. That shouldn't be a problem since I actually bought a LOT in bulk (FLOUR!). I go through about 5 lbs of flour a week, so that trip will save me money for the next 5 weeks! Also, I should NOT have to buy ANY cereal for about a month! So, take that off of the bottom line too.
But, if it all comes down to starving your family or spending over your monthly budget. DON'T starve your family!
Also, the first month you make your family a food budget, start at something DO-ABLE. Like if you spend $200 a week, start at $175 a week for your budget. And as you get better at spotting deals and using your coupons with good sales, then you will DO better! Then the following weeks, slowly move your budget down...
I am planning on my budget going down this summer, because of all of the fresh fruits and veggies. If you don't have a garden of your own, try growing something like a tomato plant in a pot or in your flower garden. Or offer to help a family member or friend with their garden, and you can share in it's harvest! If you have the time, a little SHARED manual labor can really go a long way!
Anyone CAN change their budget in a good way, it DOES take time and effort though. To some people, it isn't worth the time, and that's OK if you can afford it. But I was shopping with no coupons( or an occasional one or two) at Wal-Mart and Aldi's. I was buying all generics, and NO organic foods. I was spending $200. or so each week, and that is when I had a family of 5. I WANTED something better for my family. I WANTED to be able to buy a better product for our money. And I DID actually HAVE the time to spend each week figuring out the "deals". So, I did it, and I will never look back...
If you DO have any questions about shopping or saving money on your groceries, don't hesitate to ask. I'm sure you will get answers from several people! In the end, figure out what works the best for YOU and your family. Then work at getting BETTER AT IT!
looks like you did a great job! I'm heading to Meijer on Friday, gotta get my freebies too!!
Hi Sarah,
I live in IN but am in AZ now for the winter. I bought flax seed but haven't used it much. Do I need to grind it up before I use it? thanks. Nancy
Nancy~ TO be honest, I haven't used flax but a few times. I bought mine ground, and I add it to things. I am going to be adding it to my bread recipe, as well as other baking. I know you could use it whole, but I am just not sure how at this time!
I will have to do some more "digging" on the flax thing, how to use it, etc...
Thanks Sarah, I will be checking back later to see if you found out anything. I ground a little in my small coffee grinder and added to my cereal but it gave it a funny texture. Nancy
I have to take over our grocery buying, it's something that my husband does now so I want to save money I will have to do it. Over here we don't have coupons for groceries like you do, so we have to find other ways of saving.
As for flax seeds they should be freshly ground or they lose potency, I use my Bullet blender to do that. The shell isn't digestable so they just pass through the body, raw is the best way to have them as heat harms the nutrients.
Great job! I, too, am trying a challenge to lower my grocery bill. This month my personal challenge was to spend no more than $25 a week. I am a little over due to my bulk baking supplies, but I consider that a great investment (especially when flour averages 23 cents a pound when purchased by 50 lbs.. I, too, used to take pictures of my purchases for myself, but I never thought about posting them. I think that it is helpful to others that you are posting the pictures.
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