I have been horrible about pictures updates on here, and I will get them up. I will also get the link page for Friday's "after" on our Kitchen/ dining area. I will have to do that tomorrow, because I cannot do 2 linkies on the same day. I apologize. I have been crazy busy, and it is extending into this week, unfortunately. But, with God's help and my obedience, I will get everything that God sees important, this week.
So this week is the outdoor living area! I LOVE this area, because it seriously is where we LIVE in the summer! Daytime, supper, evening (after working outside). We hardly ever eat inside, unless it's raining. We enjoy being outside. I love taking food from the garden, preparing our meal then serving it just feet away from the garden itself. I am so thankful to be able to be enjoying food and look out into the garden and see right where I got it from! I love that.
So are we ready?
Our plan for our outdoor areas:
- Clean-up! Rake up, sweep, hose down.
- Is your outdoor furniture in good condition? Does it need repaired? Does it need a good cleaning? Do it now.
- Clean out your flower beds and pots. Pull weeds!
- Start planting! Plant flowers, herbs, etc.
- Clean your grill. Take off the part of the grill that the meat goes on, and take it in the house and give it a good scrubbing with soap and hot water. Rinse it well. But it back on! Your grill is clean and ready!
- Set out your furniture and set out your pots.
- Decorate! This is STILL a living area, and can be nicely decorated! Make sure the items you decorate with are painted to be able to withstand weather, or that you bring them in in rainy weather. Don't be afraid to get creative!
- Anything else need done? Do it now!
Enjoy your newly cleaned outdoor living area!
Now let's link up!