Tuesday, April 7, 2009

CVS This Week

Here is my CVS trip this week, and it was a pretty decent week! So if you are looking to start shopping CVS for their deals, go HERE to find out how to start! CVS really is a great place to save lots of money, if you know how!
This week, I took advantage of the diaper deal, where if you buy $25. worth of specified products (including the diapers and wipes) then you get $10 back in ECBs (Extra Care Bucks, which are basically CVS money!). So packages of diapers were $10. each, the large wipes were $5. each. I got everything in the picture for $12. I usually don't like to pay any more then $2. BUT CVS has been having some off weeks, and I was just "using up " my ECBs.
I talk alot about being frugal on my blog, and CVS is one of the ways that I am able to save my family money. I hardly ever have to pay for personal hygiene items, and we even have some extra to be able to give to our local "Project Help". If you are committed, give CVS a try!

1 comment:

We are all sisters here- Let's hear it!