Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Groceries This Week

I haven't posted grocery pics in a while, because there has just not been anything exciting! This week was a little better at CVS then most weeks, and I made a trip to Wal-Mart for some free stuff. I also did Kroger and Meijer.

Here's what I got:

From CVS, I got Revlon Mascara, Revlon Eye makeup, 2 cans of Pringles, 1 toothpaste, 1 M&M (not pictured!), 1 gum---> There I spent $.22, that's right 22 pennies...

From Kroger, I got 2 cake mixes (free), 2 muffin mixes, potatoes, salad, a whole cut-up chicken, 1 vitamin water(free), 1-4pk of butter, 2 tooth pastes(free), 1 pkg of Always Pads, 2- 1/2 gal. Milk, 2 Blistex Chapsticks(free), Bananas, South Beach granola Bars(free)---> I spent $16. there.

From WalMart, I got 4 pkg of pads(Free), 4 bandaides(.24 ea), 3 salad dressing(.08 ea), 1 mascara(free) ---> And I spent $2.

From Meijer, I got everything else and spent $32.

Total spending today---> $50! Everything you see above was $50!!!! That is $20 below my $70. budget! Total Savings: $128!!!

For help on how to save money on your grocery bill, go HERE!


  1. Isn't discount shopping fun? I have recently learned how great it is. I have learned to get coupons off the internet, Sunday paper, and mailbox advertisements. It's great! I love your site. Happy a Blessed Easter!
    He Has Risen!!!

  2. Great job ~ way to go!!! Happy {early} Easter! :)

    ~ Heidi

  3. Wow, I'm impressed. I work so hard at saving at the grocery store. I just hate giving them my money LOL. Very nice job.


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