Monday, April 6, 2009

The Lemonade Award!

I got an award! Thank you! Megan, at Daily Essentials and Deals gave me this award about 2 weeks ago (ooops!). And now I am finally doing my part!

And to whom much is given, much is expected, here is my rules! =)

The Rules:

1) Put the Lemonade Award logo on your blog or post

2) Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude or gratitude

3) Link to your nominees within your post

4) Let the nominees know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog

5) Share the love and link to the person from who you received your award
So, now I get to nominate 10 blogs!Bulleted List

  1. Cells Gone Wild, this is actually by my aunt who live in Pennsylvania. She has follicular non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, which is incurable. But she just started this blog, in hope to keep track of progress and living with this cancer for the rest of her life.

  2. Homemade Mom, a woman after my own heart! She is the mom to 2 (soon to be 3!) little boys, and she loves the Homemade, and being the best wife and mother she can be!

  3. Amy's Humble Musings, a funny look at starting life on a working farm! Another lady after my own heart!

  4. The Happy Housewife, a woman living on a military base with her hubby and 7 children (she JUST had here #7! Check her out!). She homeschools and does a whole bunch! Today, she gets to go home from the hospital after having her new little girl early. Take a look at her story.

  5. Passionate Homemaking, a woman who just had her #2, and lives a "natural" lifestyle. She is a Christian, and has some great recipes for natural living!

  6. Life at the Circus, a funny look at how much fun family can be! Warning: you will laugh, because this could be YOU! =)

  7. Titus 2:3-5, A christian woman raising 5 kids, desiring to be the woman God wants her to be! Love this!

  8. Smiling's My Favorite, a good friend and funny lady! Her blogging about random things will definitely make you laugh!

  9. Honey, I Fed the Kids!, another funny blog by a guy who is a Christian. Warning: laughing to tears may occur!

  10. Daily Essentials and Deals, I am going to have to go right back to the lady that my award at Beautiful2God came from, because for the deals in my area, it is great to be able to go back to her blog!

Thanks to all of these great blogs that I follow! Thanks for being uplifting and for making me laugh everyday!

Be sure to check all of these out and tell them congratulations!


We are all sisters here- Let's hear it!