Ok, on Monday I promised pictures and I didn't get them on. So, it's better to have them today, I think, so we can do a side-by-side comparision. Like I told you on Monday, I had a mess on my hands. My master bath has been a storage area for about 2 years now.
It has in particularly, as of lately, held garage sale items. All of the baby stuff we were done with but didn't get put up, which we really need to get rid of **sniff, sniff** has been "stored" in there. So, I cleaned out all garage sale items.
I am going to get some totes for scrapbooking stuff, which has been stored there. We are also going to be setting up some cupboard space in our upstairs hall way to store extra items, like blankets, extra boxes of Kleenex, etc, etc...
SO here is how we did:
Before- notice all of my stock piled deals & the bathroom door (which hubby promises to do soon...).
After: Better, but still need to get that cabinet for all of the extras...
Before: Bags of garage sale maternity clothes, baby items, etc...
After: Still have the scrapbooking items to get totes for , but much better!
So, how did YOU do this week??? Care to Share? Link up!
Remember, next week is our Laundry Areas!
Looks good! Getting any clutter picked up always feels great!
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