Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring Cleaning- Master Bedroom, Part 2

So, how did it go this week? I know it was beautiful outside, and hard to stay inside and clean! But, I got it done!

I swept. I moved sweeper parts and table leaves (oh my!) from sitting up against the wall in my bedroom, to our new closets in our entry room! Woot! ( Pics in a sec!) I also tried to organize what we had in our closet, and I got some shirts that I could wear in Spring and brought them out (I am hopeful!) I just cleaned out most everything about 2 months ago, so didn't have too much extra in there... There wasn't TOO much to do, just CLEANING! Oh, today I am washing my bedsheets, comforter, and pillow shams. Maybe, I can hang them out on the line! Cleaning that I usually put off because no one sees that room, right? (that statement is WRONG, by the way...) :)

So, Here are the pics of my master bedroom AFTER cleaning:

A few weeks ago, we were working on our Entry room. Here is the "before" pic:

Horrible! We lived with that for 3 years. We couldn't do dry wall, besides being too expensive , we just aren't "skilled" in drywalling! So we did a bead board type on the walls and closets. And LOTS of painting! We still need to work on shelving, which hubby will make to keep costs low... And I have some decor I want to put up. But here is the after:

So, how did you all do this week???
Link up and share!
Don't forget, next week we are working on the Master Bath/ Secondary Bath or some other part of the house that isn't on the list of "to clean" areas!


  1. Your bedroom looks nice and clean and your entry looks AWESOME! I love it!

    I'm still working on my room, so my pictures will come sometime this evening! ;-)

  2. Oh my the entry is totally transformed! It looks awesome! Good thing you posted a pic or I might think I'm at the wrong house tomorrow!!

    Great Job!

  3. Very good job. I'm glad you kept on with the entry, the transformation is awesome.

    I'll post my photos after I finish tomorrow.

  4. I finally finished and my pictures are up! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Sarah. This whole Spring Cleaning thing has finally motivated me to get the things done that I've needed to do for a long time. You rock!!!

  5. Your bedroom looks so cozy. Enjoyed my first visit.

  6. I LOVE your entryway! What a transformation! Your bedroom looks great, too.

  7. Wow! Your did a great job on both if the rooms. I just love the transformation of the entry way.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


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