Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Cleaning- Master Bedroom

Today is Master Bedroom day! I don’t think mine is too bad, it just needs a good cleaning. I tend to neglect my room because no one sees it. Well, except for my number #1 and he deserves a nice space too, so I need to make sure this stays on my weekly cleaning schedule.

Let’s not forget, get a box for donations/ garage sale items, a box for things to keep, and a box for trash.

This week we need to:

  • Rid through all of your clothes. I just did this not too long ago, but I have changed clothing sizes recently and need to change out some of my clothes. So, put away (or get rid of) all clothing that does not fir you at this moment. Also, get rid (donate or garage sale) all clothing that you don’t wear, or won’t wear. Also, how is your summer clothes? Go through those this week and see what you need to get between now and a few weeks from now.

  • Clean out closet. This may kind of be what you just did, but this includes everything. Are there shoes in there that need thrown out. Are there old purses that you will never use again? Anything else? Rid through it all. Put it in the appropriate boxes. Sweep, and get into those corners, top and bottom. Dust shelves.

  • Organize closet. Put all of the items back into the closet. Do you need baskets, or other organizational help? Get those this week.
    Go through your dressers. Do the same thing that you did in your closet, for your drawers. Then put everything back that you are keeping, and use currently.

  • Bedside table. Clean! My bedside table is covered with pictures and little mementos that my boys love to give me and “decorate” my table with. So, I need to find a better way to have all of these items decorating my table! Go through drawers, stacks of books, magazines, etc. What can go? What needs to stay?

  • Wash bed sheets, comforters, pillows, etc. Does a big winter blanket need to get put away for the winter? Wash it up and put it away for next season. Vacuum your mattress. You don’t even want to know the info I just read on dust mites living in your beds and pillows (well, if you do you can look it up in your Swagbucks bar **shudder**. ) At this time, also dust your headboard and footboard, with whatever cleaner works best (wood cleaner, water, etc).

  • Clean your windows, screens, curtains, blinds & ceiling fan!

  • Dust. Take things off shelves, tables, etc. Dust and determine if it really needs to stay there. If not put it in the appropriate box.

  • Clean out from under bed. Some people I know use under their beds for storage. Clean those storage areas, and make sure you need to keep everything that you are storing. Sweep before you put anything back.
    Sweep the entire room.

  • Everything working? If something is not working, replace it, fix it, whatever.

  • Did you want to redecorate this week? It’s a great week to start!

Get your before pictures and post them on your blog. Remember they don’t need to be pretty. That is what Friday is for! So, by Friday then link up again, and show us what a great job you were able to do this week!

Here are my pics:

So where are YOUR pics???

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