Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Cleaning- Master/ Bath #2

Good mornin'! I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend! It was beautiful weather here in Indiana, and we were so blessed by warm-er weather, and some sunshine.
Today, we are starting our Spring Cleaning in our Master Bath or our Second Bathroom, OR starting something else that I don't have on our Spring Cleaning list (HERE). So, here we go our outline is basically going to be the same as our Main Bathroom was:

If you want to read about all of the nasty germs in the bathroom, go HERE. Believe me it will motivate you to clean your bathroom!

  • Give the shower/tub area a good scrub down. Use a really good cleaner and even get out a scrub brush and scrub every inch of that shower. Use this as an opportunity to clean out any unused items from the shower, like the rest of that conditioner that you don't use anymore, or the old razor.
  • Also, replace you shower curtain, if it needs it. If you have a cloth one, take it off and wash it this week. Usually they recommend not drying these in the dryer, so they should be fine hanging them a little damp. My suggestion would be to wash the curtain either first thing in the morning or right before bed. And let it dry at a time when not many people will touch it. I would do it during the day when my boys are at school.
  • Sweep. Wipe down the floors and the walls with a disinfecting cleaner.

  • Clean the mirror. Wash your curtains. All of these things on the walls and floor will catch any germs as the toilet is being flushed with the lid up.
  • Clean your sink. Clean Anything that is also sitting around your sink. I use an old toothbrush around the faucet fixture. You would be grossed out on how much dirt those boys drag in... Summer is horrible! And then it sits around the faucet. Make sure you are wiping down your sink area DAILY. Especially if anyone in you home is sick with colds or flu.
  • Rid out you cupboards. Organize! This is needed in my bathroom! I get so many good deals on things in all kind of gets shoved in our cupboards and then, doesn't really scream organized. Add baskets and drawers, as needed to organize your toothbrushes, combs, and other person items.
  • Have a laundry hamper. This seems to go with out saying but it does reduce a lot of mess in a bathroom if there is somewhere for those dirties to go! And if you already have a hamper make sure you clean it!!! This is also a place for germs and bacteria. Spray this down regularly with a disinfecting spray.
  • If everything working? Make sure you get those things fixed this week. Are all of the light bulbs working? Anything else need done?
  • Last but not least, how is the decorating? Did you want to do anything different? Add anything new? Now's the time!

Now, you can link up with pics of your bathroom ! Pics will motivate you to come back and show us that it CAN look better!

For ME, I have a master bathroom. Impressive, right? Ahhh, not so much. We bought our house exactly 3 years ago. We completely gutted it and added to. We have done almost all work ourselves as we find time and money (mostly motivation...). Our Master Bathroom has never been completed. It has all plumbing and electrical in it and ready to go. We even have a tub in there. But, no fixtures, toilet or sink. So, we have used it, I am SO sad to say, for storage. All of my "deals" that don't fit into the main bath have found their way into our "master bath". Also, winter clothes/summer clothes. And recently, maternity clothes.

So ashamed.... Pics are coming yet this morning, once I can get the boys kicked outside! =)

So, how about you??? What are YOU Spring Cleaning this mornin'???

1 comment:

  1. Hi, nice to meet you! I found you through the blog party. Hope you're having a great week!


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