Monday, February 2, 2009

Meals this Week

There is nothing too much new this week. We are starting a new bible study at church, and we are all very excited about THAT! My 2 little ones are over the colds and ear infections. And I am praying that the older 2, being in school, won't get sick! My husband and I will be celebrating our 10 year Anniversary on Friday. 10 years and 4 boys later, we are more in love today than when we first got married! I am a very blessed woman.

Here is what we are eating this week:

Monday: Spaghetti & Meatballs ($1. 30)

Tuesday: Progresso Soup over Homemade mashed potatoes ($1.50)

Wednesday: Chicken & Dumplings ($3.)

Thursday: Tatertot Casserole ($3.)

Friday: Anniversary! 10 Years! (Hubby won't tell me what we are doing but I am assuming I won't be making supper)

Saturday: Tacos with all the toppings!($4.50)

Sunday: Potluck at church!!!

Usually for breakfast we have cereal, oatmeal, or bake oatmeal.

For lunches, we usually do left-overs, peanut butter and Jelly (Caden's #1 pick ALL THE TIME), or something like grilled cheese and tomato soup.

Our dinners we usually round off with some dinner rolls, butter bread, frozen fruit (Mmmm... I froze blueberries, strawberries and peaches this last summer), or canned mandarin oranges.

What are YOU eating this week???

1 comment:

  1. I hope you guys have a wonderful anniversary! Your menu sounds yummy as usual!


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