Yes- I am challenging YOU!!!
One of my goals, as a wife & mother, is to model MY life after the Proverbs 31 Woman. And one of the aspects, I have been pushing myself on, is how she works with her hands. I guess I push myself on this one, because I love working with my hands, and I just haven't done it enough in the past.
About 6 or so years ago, I learned how to crochet from my beautiful grandmother, who has since gone home to be with the Lord. She taught me a basic straight crochet technique. I have made blankets, and scarves. Nothing more because I don't know how!!!
So I am going to challenge myself this next month to learn to fine tune my crocheting skills and make something more complicated, OR to learn how to knit. How will I learn how to knit? I will teach myself on the Internet. Or maybe not... It sounds like such a lofty goal, after I have it all typed out and for all to see...
But, I am giving myself a month to at least start. I am a SAHM but I also have a lot of things to do in a day. SO it isn't like I have loads of time to try to fill up with things. I am just like you, overloaded with housework, piles of laundry, a constant thin layer of dust (because of our stove), endless supply of energy from 4 little boys, homework, barn chores, snuggling, breaking up fights, making dinners, on the Worship Team at my church, serving on the Women's Ministry team, 3 blogs and a web site, and just trying to overall make my husband proud and my children grow in life and the Lord. This is not a list of overwhelming tasks, these are the things that the Lord has blessed me with daily. I love to do these things (well, dusting is boarder line...), but I am also choosing to improve myself.
Plus, I also have the "threat" of having arthritis & possibly Alzheimer's, it is in my family tree. Along with who-knows-what-life-is-gonna-bring. The more I work with my hands and keep my mind sharp, the better for me in the long run... Plus, did you know your mind keeps even sharper when you learn brand new things?
So, that's what I'm doin'... fighting Alzheimer's and keeping my mind sharp!
I am also challenging YOU. I challenge you to find something new, something you have always wanted to do, and DO IT! Please leave a comment here if you take my challenge, then keep me updated!
I would love to accept this challenge!! My only problem is coming up w/ something. I will have to think about it!