Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Resolutions

I have not made any New Year's Resolutions for a long time. They seemed like a waste of time, and I never really worked toward anything on the list anyways.

I remember how silly my lists used to be, like when I was young, like Elementary or middle school. Get more muscles (I was a bean pole). Get a boyfriend (boys don't look twice at bean poles). Clean my room (that may have happened once, but then there was a mysterious explosion...). You know, all very silly stuff that had no purpose.

But today, and for the last several days, I have debated on making a list for myself. A list with purpose. A list of things that would serve an eternal purpose.

So, I think I am going to make one. And you can hold me accountable. Because these should be THAT important. I encourage you to make a list also.

Here is mine:
  1. Read my Bible daily. I am hit and miss on this. As a general rule, I have set a goal of reading 2 chapters, each time I read. Sometimes this is a lot, sometimes it isn't as much. And on subjects that really catch my attention, I read a lot more. I am going to set this goal for myself, once again. Read at least 2 chapters everyday.
  2. Set aside a time to spend time in the word. This goes along with my first one, but since my husband has changed hours (about 2 months ago!), I have been bad about setting that time aside. I am going to try to do this in the morning, after the boys are off to school. I can pop in a movie for Caden, and Koen will most likely still be sleeping. So I need to use that short time wisely!
  3. Be more hospitable! I have a home that is set-up great for entertaining, but our time is another story. We just aren't used to the weekends my husband has off now, and haven't had many people over. Well, we are starting out well, I suppose. We (last minute) invited people over for New Year's Eve. I would like to keep this up all year round. At least 2 times a month, have people over.
  4. Use my talents to make a better wife and mother. I always look to the Proverbs 31 woman, and how the model of her life compares to mine. She worked with her hands (vs. 13, 17 -19, 22, 24). I have the ability and the tools to make things with my hands. I made robes for my kids for Christmas. I also made "oatmeal" pants for them (flannel pajama pants). These 2 things they were THRILLED with. It also makes a very nice gift, without spending as much money as it looks like you have spent. I am also looking into using Etsy more. If you've never browsed Etsy, HERE is my site. I made several things for Christmas for people that I think I would like to put on my site, and try to make a little income for my family. God has given me a talent for a reason! I need to use it!
  5. God first. Husband second. Children third. Others fourth. Then myself. I need to always analyze what I am doing and do a little check to make sure I am not doing it for selfish reasons. I also have to admit, I don't check to make sure God is first in all daily decisions that I make. It may sound silly to some, but before housework or make lunch, I don't check to make sure this is the path that God wants me on at that time. And I want to be doing what He wants me to be doing! I need to check the list in THAT order!
  6. Make a schedule for my day. I am a scheduler. I thrive on a schedule. I need to make sure my days are mapped out for me, so I know what needs done, and things don't get put off to the last minute, or I don't forget something important! (Which happens more then I would like to admit!) I like to have laundry on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and then the other days- no laundry! I like to sweep the house once a week, and then be done. I like (or don't LIKE) to dust the house once a week, and then don't worry about it! If I have it all mapped out, then I know I don't have to worry about sweeping my house until Thursday. I love having a schedule!
  7. Eating better! Of course this one made it on. It makes it on EVERYONE'S list, right. But, I do have 4 little boys that need to know the importance of nutrition. They need to have good foods that will keep them from getting sick. This winter, we have fallen into the junk food pit, and I am trying to climb out! I tend to skip the fruit and veggie aisle, because everything this time of year is expensive, but the money that I save on other groceries, should be spent on the good food for my family. Especially coming into the flu season. I recently bought my family oranges. I knew my husband like them, but was pleasantly surprised to find my boys wanting to eat them too. Especially since they found out that oranges contain vitamin C, which will help fight off colds and sickness. They were excited about that. That is why my son, Deklyn, eats broccoli now. I told him green veggies are very good for him, and help with your thinking. He wants to eat the broccoli first!
  8. Take more pictures. I would love to have a video camera right now, especially with a baby, BUT I don't. =( So I want to make sure I photograph EVERYTHING. I don't want to miss any specially moments in my boys growing up. And I want picture for my boys and their families in the future!
  9. Have a garden. This is a little ways off, since there is snow on the ground and it is not yet the first of January. But I want to make sure that is a priority this year. My boys LOVE the produce and I love eating a free meal! A stir-fry from the garden is delicious and it can also be free! I loved sitting outside this summer enjoying the weather and eating food that we grew. Plus, it is on it way to being organic! And all of the scraps go to our animals, which find that to be a real treat! I really need to get serious about this! Maybe I will start planning now...
  10. Go on more vacations. No we are not rich by any means, but camping does not take much money, and that is what we like to do. We need to take that time out as a family and just enjoy each other. A year and a half ago, we didn't do much for getting out end enjoying each other. We worked. And the boys weren't happy. WE weren't happy. Last year we got out more, but this year, We plan on being out even more.

So, that is all I can think of right now. But, those 10 things are going to take a lot of effort.

Are you making any resolutions? What are they?


  1. What a great list!! You have motivated me to come up with a few items myself. Lord knows I have plenty to work on!

    BTW, love your blog!

  2. I have no lists but I could use your list almost word for word!! Great job!

  3. Yeah, I think I'll use your list, too. Wait...I am less of a scheduler...oh well...maybe this year. I love checking out your bloggy stuff. Quite inspiring. Love to you and your gang. Hey, I have off Friday nights now, so....Gimme a call.....Andrea G.


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