Saturday, November 29, 2008

Black Friday (on Thursday) Deals from CVS & Groceries

I hope all of you have had a great week! Ours has been pretty good.

One day that added to the 'goodness' of the week was Thursday. And one reason that is was so good was that I went to 2 CVS's and did 4 transactions. No, I am not crazy. Just look at my loot:

OK, it doesn't look like a lot to get excited about, UNTIL I tell you this: The above cost me $9.98. STILL not impressed? Retail cost is $179.22. Um, yeah. And I have $60 some ECBs to show for it! I was pretty happy.

On Wednesday I went shopping, and I again spent a little more then my budget (in my head) for the stuff I got. My "budget" is $80, and spend no more then $100, and I spent $85. Not too bad. Here is what I got from CVS, Walgreen's, Aldi's, Kroger and Meijer:

This includes over 7 lbs in hamburger, 6 gal of milk, 2 TP, 2 paper towels, 2 butter, 3 shredded cheese, 2 baby food cereal, 2 peanut butter, 2 frosting, 2 Grands Frozen biscuits, 2 Rediwhip, 1 veg. oil, 1 large folger's coffee, 1 cereal, 1 trash bags, 4 cream of mushroom soup, 3 canned chicken, 2 makeup foundation, 1 Altoids, 1 bunch of bananas, 1- 3 lb bag of sweet potatoes, 1 bunch of flowers, 2 coffee creamers, 1 western dressings, 1 bag marshmallows, 1 aluminum foil 2 potato chips 1 cinnamon roll (Pillsbury), 4 boxes frozen veggies, 1 baby sippy cup, 1 contact solution, 3 soy milk, 1 bread, and 1 aluminum pan for turkey... I think that's it!
I was pretty happy! How did YOU do this week???


  1. That looks awesome! I thought it was pretty fun to more that double my ecb too!!! I never took a pic so I'm kickin' myself now!!

    Good job with groc. too that's alot of meat and milk!!


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